3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Lie in a Job Interview
/George Washington never told a lie, and it's a good practice to keep in mind during a job interview. Honesty is a key trait that employers look for in employees. Here are reasons why you should only speak the truth when meeting with a hiring manager:
#1: Background checks may come back to hurt to you.
Employers will check up on you after the initial interview. They may possibly contact your previous employers and references. You definitely do not want to be caught lying about your professional history. Instead be honest, and explain any past situations if asked.
#2: You won't do well on the job.
Let's say you do get the job. If you were hired based on the skills you don't actually have, it's only a matter of time before your employer will know the truth. You won't be able to accomplish anything at work, and it can lead to termination. Be as truthful as possible when discussing your abilities. If you believe you are weak in one area, talk about how you would like additional training in order to strengthen your weaknesses.
#3: Dishonesty ruins your reputation.
Dishonesty not only hurts your current situation, it won't be good for you in the future either. Word travels fast in the restaurant and hospitality circle; the industry is small and hiring managers are very well connected. It's not a good idea to leave him/her with a bad experience.
Remember, honesty is the best policy! Mark Twain even once said, "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
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