5 Things That Make Your Profile Look Unprofessional



Being that your professional profile and resume is the first thing that recruiters see, you definitely don't want to give off an impression that you are not an ideal candidate. Don't let the little things ruin your chances of gaining a job. So make sure you have these five things that make your profile look unprofessional in check:

#1: Email Address

If you are still using the same email address you created back in high school, make a new one immediately. Get one for your professional life and work, because nobody will take you seriously if you are prettyprincess85@gmail.com. (Save it for personal use, instead.) You can easily set up a new email on Google, Yahoo or Hotmail.

#2: Poor Grammar and Spelling

Misspelled words and bad grammar are big giveaways that make you seem unprofessional. Be sure you give your profile a second look and also ask others to proofread it for you.

#3: Phone Number

It is best that you provide a personal contact number, like your cellphone, rather than a home number. You do not want hiring managers to call you at your house number, and have a family member or roommate pick up. Just make it easier for your prospective employer with a mobile number, so they can reach you anywhere and anytime.

#4: Profile Photo

You want to provide a good first impression to the hiring manager even before you meet at the interview. You can do so with a professional, business-appropriate profile photo. Do refer to Tips for a Professional Profile Photo for more in-depth advice.

#5: Unnecessary Personal Information

It's nice to share a bit about your personality and hobbies away from work, but keep it to a reasonable amount. In case you didn't know, oversharing may actually hurt your employment prospects. So no need to share overly personal details and/or photos. Topics that you can possibly discuss about are clubs, associations or organizations you are a part of, or volunteer work that you are engaged with.

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Top 3 Pieces of Advice from Restaurant Professionals



Veterans in the restaurant world will tell you that working in a restaurant is a tough challenge at first, but your hard work of blood, sweat and tears will pay off in the end. And as the industry continues to grow, there are lots of opportunities out there for you to take advantage of. So go out there and build up that resume!

But to give you a little head start and some advice before you enter the field, here are some valuable pieces of advice from restaurant professionals:


#1: Be open-minded and prepare to take on other roles.

Like any other workplace, there will be lots of different personalities. Be nice to your colleagues/superiors and be willing to accept new ideas. For example, you may be asked to learn and train for another role you didn't initially apply for. It's not what you had intended to do, but it's not all that bad because you will be able to learn additional skills that can be helpful later on in your career.

#2: Every day is a new learning experience.

Not only will you learn something new every day, you will also be given a chance to improve upon yourself. It will be a continuous cycle of learning and improving, but that is how you will develop to be something even greater. For instance, if you aspire to be the head chef of a restaurant, you will start off working as a Prep Chef. As you progress and pick up new things, instead of saying "Yes, Chef", you could be promoted to Line Cook or Sous Chef. Even when you join the ranks of Executive Chef, you will still need to think about how you can better yourself.

#3: "Do what you love and the money will follow."

Don't just dream on making it big with lots of money. Make sure you put in your part first with passion, effort and diligence. After you put in your portion, you can enjoy the monetary benefits. Even if you start with an entry-level role, you can find yourself at the top. It's been known that 80 percent of restaurant owners worked their way up from the bottom to being a boss.

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