5 Things That Make Your Profile Look Unprofessional



Being that your professional profile and resume is the first thing that recruiters see, you definitely don't want to give off an impression that you are not an ideal candidate. Don't let the little things ruin your chances of gaining a job. So make sure you have these five things that make your profile look unprofessional in check:

#1: Email Address

If you are still using the same email address you created back in high school, make a new one immediately. Get one for your professional life and work, because nobody will take you seriously if you are prettyprincess85@gmail.com. (Save it for personal use, instead.) You can easily set up a new email on Google, Yahoo or Hotmail.

#2: Poor Grammar and Spelling

Misspelled words and bad grammar are big giveaways that make you seem unprofessional. Be sure you give your profile a second look and also ask others to proofread it for you.

#3: Phone Number

It is best that you provide a personal contact number, like your cellphone, rather than a home number. You do not want hiring managers to call you at your house number, and have a family member or roommate pick up. Just make it easier for your prospective employer with a mobile number, so they can reach you anywhere and anytime.

#4: Profile Photo

You want to provide a good first impression to the hiring manager even before you meet at the interview. You can do so with a professional, business-appropriate profile photo. Do refer to Tips for a Professional Profile Photo for more in-depth advice.

#5: Unnecessary Personal Information

It's nice to share a bit about your personality and hobbies away from work, but keep it to a reasonable amount. In case you didn't know, oversharing may actually hurt your employment prospects. So no need to share overly personal details and/or photos. Topics that you can possibly discuss about are clubs, associations or organizations you are a part of, or volunteer work that you are engaged with.

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Increased Holiday Hiring For Chefs



CARLSBAD, Calif., Nov. 11, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The holiday season brings a temporary employment boost every autumn, and 2015 is no exception. In fact, the outlook for seasonal hiring this year is already favorable, says a new CareerCast report. Whether you're unemployed and seeking a full-time job or just looking to earn some extra spending money over the holidays, now is a good time to apply for one of the many seasonal jobs available. Jobs needed to meet the holiday rush include customer service representatives, parcel deliverers, retail sales and distribution warehouse staff.

Many of CareerCast.com's best seasonal jobs are tied into traditional customer service and retail but restaurants also become busier as they meet the demand for office holiday parties and refuel shoppers.

Retailers are expected to add about 755,000 jobs to their payrolls from October through December, according to Challenger, Gray & Christmas. Online retailer Amazon intends to hire 100,000 seasonal employees this year. While Americans increasingly shift their shopping focus to online distribution, traditional brick-and-mortar business still need extra hands at the holidays. Retail salespersons are always in demand this time of year. And, with Amazon, the largest online retailer bulking up for process of orders, people are needed to help handle the influx of deliveries.

Parcel deliverer is a great holiday job with plenty of opportunities. Industry-leader UPS expects to hire 90,000 employees in the next two weeks. In line with Amazon, that's an increase over recent years' employment.

Retail and food service are obvious cornerstones of holiday employment, but this time of year is a boon for entertainers, as well. We all grew up with Santa Clauses at malls, department stores and pop-up outlets, but the traditional Santa Claus is just one in-demand performer at the holiday season.

And, as many seasonal job-seekers pursue long-term employment at the end of the holiday season, part-time gigs can turn into more opportunities for the future.  But whether your goal in finding seasonal employment is a longer term deal, or just the chance to make some additional spending money, know what is expected of you up front.  Holiday jobs don't always end on Dec 24. Many continue beyond throughout the return and price-cut season.

The following are some of the best options for seasonal employment in 2015:

  • CHEF

To see the full report, visit http://www.careercast.com/jobs-rated/demand-seasonal-jobs-2015

About CareerCast.com CareerCast.com, created by Adicio, is a job search portal that offers extensive local, niche and national job listings from acrossNorth America; job-hunting, career-management and HR-focused editorial content; videos and blogs; and provides recruiters with the ability to post jobs directly to more than 800 niche career sites. CareerCast.com also compiles the Jobs Rated Report (www.jobsrated.com), where 200 jobs across North America are ranked based on detailed analysis of specific careers factors.

(via PR Newswire)


Technology Helps Restaurant Industry Recruit and Retain Staff



Technological tools are increasingly helping restaurant operators recruit and retain employees in a tightening labor market, but experts say a human layer to the digital approach remains a significant part of the equation.

“Recruiting technology will continue to evolve to look more like marketing technology,” said Kevin P. Walker, an Austin, Texas-based business-to-business marketing expert. Job hunters are increasingly open to technological pitches, he noted.

A total of 44 percent of adult workers in general subscribe to websites that send job alerts on openings, Walker said, citing Harris poll data during a seminar at the recent Meeting of the Minds conference in Dallas hosted by Self Opportunity recruitment consultancy.

But until recently, technology hasn’t played a large role in restaurant hiring and retention practices, according to study released Tuesday by WorkJam, a Montreal-based employee relationship management platform.

About 57 percent of restaurants still rely on manual processes when scheduling employees, a survey of 500 U.S. service managers and 700 U.S. hourly workers found. Those processes led to frustration on the part of the employees, with 56 percent of employees surveyed saying they received their schedules a week or less in advance.

Response to scheduling

A line cook at a family-dining restaurant in Michigan City, Mich., told Nation’s Restaurant News about his frustrations with his schedules and the general manager.

The line cook said that his general manager played favorites when scheduling work hours, he wrote in an email to NRN. “I've been there six months and go to work every day. I have never called off one day. I work for other people, I do everything in the kitchen and I'm good at it.”

He said that restaurant staff is often scared to speak up about concerns because they are afraid to lose their jobs, "but somebody needs to stand up for what's right.”

Unpredictable and inconsistent scheduling practices affect not only retention, but the ability to recruit new workers.

The WorkJam survey, entitled “An Inside Look at the Hiring and Scheduling Crisis in the Hourly Workforce,” found that 46 percent of restaurants reported frequently or sometimes being understaffed. Of those, 53 percent said it compromised the customer experience.

The result was often both dissatisfied guests and employees.

More than a third of restaurants report a quarterly turnover rate of at least 26 percent for their hourly employees, and 33 percent claim that this rate has increased over the past two years.

“To maintain growth and minimize costs in today’s tough regulatory environment and competitive marketplace, businesses must quickly adopt more comprehensive systems to manage the employer-employee relationship,” Joshua Ostrega, co-founder and chief operating office of WorkJam, said in a statement.

“Managers need to realize that investing in better ways of hiring, scheduling and managing employees is an investment in the company’s bottom line,” Ostrega added.

In August 2014, Starbucks Corp., which has long been known for its enlightened and often cutting-edge employee practices, smacked head-on with the darker side of automated scheduling when The New York Times reported challenges some employees were having with scheduling software.

Last year, Starbucks said it immediately made significant changes in its automated scheduling, including getting rid of widely split shifts, known as “clopening,” when an employee is scheduled to close a unit at night and open it the next morning.

Clopenings are surprisingly common in the restaurant industry. The WorkJam survey found that 48 percent of managers schedule employees for back-to-back closing and opening shifts.

Last year, Starbucks also said schedules would be posted at least a week in advance, and workers who lived more than an hour’s commute from their current location would be relocated to closer units.

But in September, a survey of Starbucks employees by advocacy group The Center for Public Democracy found continued worker scheduling concerns including unpredictable work weeks, inconsistent schedules and clopening shifts.

“We’re the first to admit we have work to do,” Starbucks spokesperson Jaime Riley told the New York Times. “But we feel like we’ve made good progress, and that doesn’t align with what we’re seeing.” Despite the survey’s assertions, Starbucks told the New York Times that employees receive their schedules 10 days in advance.

(via Nation's Restaurant News)