5 Ways the Restaurant Workforce is Changing

#1: Driving middle class job growth

The restaurant industry was a driving force behind the nation’s recovery from the Great Recession. Not only are restaurants leaders in total job growth, they’re also adding middle class jobs at a stronger rate than the overall economy. During the Great Recession, that rate was four times more than the overall economy.

#2: Turnover creeps up

The bad news: Restaurant turnover is trending up. The good news: Current turnover is relatively low, compared to record highs before the economic downturn.

#3: Recruiting challenges

The competition for employees intensifies as the economy improves. More than one in four operators say they have difficult-to-fill job openings. The biggest challenge? Finding applicants for back-of-the-house.

#4: Diverse opportunities

Restaurants provide unparalleled opportunities for people of all backgrounds to own their own businesses. The number of women-owned restaurant businesses is growing at a faster rate than the overall economy, as is the number of Hispanic-, African-American-, and Asian-owned operations.

#5: There’s money in the banana stand. And jobs, apparently.

Coffee, doughnut and ice cream shops are fueling more than commuters and snack attacks. The snack-and-nonalcoholic-beverage-bar segment is had the industry's highest job growth last year.

(via National Restaurant Association)

The Restaurant Industry is an Industry of Opportunity for Women


Restaurant Industry On Thursday December 11th, Dawn Sweeny, President and CEO of the National Restaurant Association, unveiled an open letter to policymakers regarding the various opportunities provided to women by the restaurant industry. The open letter is signed by more than 600 women stakeholders applauding the value of restaurant jobs and careers.

Unlike other industries, restaurants offer indispensable opportunities to women such as flexible hours, valuable skills and a career path without limitations. The letter, signed by women from around the country at all levels within the industry, and those who got their start in the industry, also tells the story of how women contribute to the economic recovery and growth of economies small and large.

“When the 114th Congress convenes in January, it will include, at a minimum, a record 101 women in its ranks,” Sweeney said. “That’s good news, but even more impressive numbers can be found in the restaurant and foodservice industry, where the real-life success stories show there is no limit to personal dreams and hard work.

Restaurant jobs provide opportunities for women of all backgrounds and experience levels, helping them gain the experience they need to jumpstart careers or the ability to advance toward management or executive positions more quickly than most other industries.”

The restaurant industry encourages diversity and is a place where women advance to management and leadership roles in large numbers. In their letter to policymakers, individuals across the industry and beyond highlight the important ways restaurants are working for women. Letter highlights include the following:

  • 61% of women have worked in the restaurant industry.
  • 37% of women say the first job they ever held was in a restaurant, providing a first start and career advancement for millions of people.
  • 45% of restaurant managers are women compared to an average of 38% in other industries.
  • More than half of U.S. restaurants are owned or co-owned by women.
  • Women-owned businesses are growing at a faster rate than the overall restaurant industry.
  • 92% of women who have worked in a restaurant say the industry is a good place to get a first job and learn valuable skills.

Womens Restaurant Menu of Opportunity

[Via National Restaurant Association]

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